Quick Scrum Gains - DZoneImprove Daily Scrums, Set Work-in-Progress (WiP) Limits, Run Better Retrospectives
Empowering The Modern Workforce: The Rise Of Skill-Based OrganizationsCompanies are transitioning towards a skill-based organization model to cultivate agile workforces and align individual skills with organizational goals.
Leader Spotlight: Enabling a vision-led product mindset, with David Krell - LogRocket BlogProduct leadership doesn't require positional authority for vision-led work.
New Manager Training: Challenges They Face & Skills TrainingNew managers often lack formal training, leading to challenges in communication, delegation, and leadership skills. Effective training is crucial for success and employee retention.
How Target's Roundel Is Planning for the FutureRetail media networks are a significant revenue growth opportunity for retailers, providing higher margin revenue and enhancing the overall guest experience.