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3 weeks ago
Data science

Japan can embrace open science - but flexible approaches are key

The G7 Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting emphasized immediate open access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data, despite Japan's slow uptake in embracing open science. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

An Alliance Calling For More Open AI Should Heed Their Own Call

Facebook, IBM, and over 50 other founding members have formed an AI Alliance to promote open, safe, and responsible AI.
The alliance aims to reduce the risk of harm caused by advanced AI models and establish standards and benchmarks.
Federal support for alternative AI pipelines and nonproprietary knowledge is crucial for diversifying the tech sector and ensuring democratic safeguards for AI. [ more ]
The Guardian @guardian: Meta and IBM launch 'AI Alliance' to promote open-source AI development - The Guardian. #aistrategy #aiact #AI https://t.co/et6bdGL0nW
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM launch AI Alliance' to promote open-source AI development

Meta and IBM have launched the AI Alliance, advocating for an open-science approach to AI development, which puts them at odds with rivals Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.
The AI Alliance believes that the future of AI should be built on open scientific exchange of ideas and open innovation, including open source and open technologies. [ more ]
Ars Technica
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

IBM, Meta form "AI Alliance" with 50 organizations to promote open source AI

IBM and Meta have announced the AI Alliance, an international coalition of over 50 organizations.
The goal of the alliance is to promote open innovation and open science in AI and provide alternatives to closed AI systems. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM launch AI Alliance' to promote open-source AI development

Meta and IBM have launched the AI Alliance, advocating for an open-science approach to AI development, which puts them at odds with rivals Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.
The AI Alliance believes that the future of AI should be built on open scientific exchange of ideas and open innovation, including open source and open technologies. [ more ]
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