#official inquiry

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#Boris Johnson
5 months ago
Europe politics

No 10 culture led to better decisions, Boris Johnson tells Covid inquiry

Boris Johnson admits government mistakes in handling COVID-19 but denies major errors.
Johnson defends chaotic and toxic culture in his top team as leading to better decisions. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson to Face Tough Questions at Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson is set to testify before an official inquiry into his government's handling of the pandemic.
Johnson is expected to admit mistakes but also defend his decisions, including the vaccine rollout and reopening the economy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

Can Boris Johnson Keep His Cool at U.K.'s Covid Inquiry?

Boris Johnson will testify before an official inquiry on his handling of the pandemic, giving his first detailed public account.
Former cabinet ministers and aides have testified that Johnson's leadership during the pandemic was unsteady and irresponsible at times. [ more ]
moreBoris Johnson
6 months ago

Scientists set to expose chaos and disagreement in UK government at Covid inquiry

Explosive evidence regarding tensions and disagreements between Boris Johnson, his ministers, and top scientific advisers during the Covid-19 pandemic will be made public at the official inquiry.
Key scientists, including Sir Patrick Vallance, Prof Chris Whitty, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, and Prof Dame Angela McLean, will provide testimonies that are expected to shed light on the chaos in the government's response to the virus.
The inquiry will explore whether scientists were adequately consulted and if they faced political pressure to downplay the dangers and miscommunicate the extent of the crisis to the public. [ more ]
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