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Looking Back on the Most Popular Virtual ODSC East 2023 Sessions

Explainable AI is crucial for building trust in AI systems through interactive tools.
Challenges of natural language reasoning and the importance of responsible AI with open-source tools were discussed in popular East 2023 sessions.

Hands-On Training Sessions Coming to ODSC East

AI and data science are advancing rapidly with new skills and applications emerging.
ODSC East conference features hands-on sessions with real-world use cases to help participants apply their new skills immediately.

Learn About LLMs With These ODSC East 2024 Sessions

Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming the world and the field of data science at an unprecedented pace.
The ODSC East conference offers training sessions and workshops focused on LLMs, including topics like NLP with GPT-4 and enabling complex reasoning with LLMs.
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