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1 month ago

Chevron to sell off its remaining North Sea oil and gas fields

Chevron is planning to sell its remaining oil and gas fields in the North Sea, including a stake in the Claire oilfield. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Oil and gas bill breaks UK's promise to phase out fossil fuels, Alok Sharma says

Alok Sharma criticizes the government's oil and gas bill for breaking the UK's promise to phase out fossil fuels.
Sharma states that the bill will not lower household energy costs or create jobs, despite claims by the energy secretary. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Jeremy Hunt's net zero target claims criticised by climate advisers

Jeremy Hunt has been criticized by the head of the independent Climate Change Committee over his stance on oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.
The interim chair of the CCC challenged Hunt's claim that the government can meet climate targets while allowing more oil and gas extraction.
The CCC has advised against exploring for new fossil fuels, stating that ending UK exploration would signal commitment to the global temperature goal. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Rishi Sunak's woes mount with oil bill rebellion, byelections and asylum row

Rishi Sunak is facing backlash over plans to allow more oil and gas exploration in the North Sea.
The Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill has enraged green MPs and caused consternation worldwide. [ more ]
5 months ago

27 Products For Anyone Who Has Trouble Falling Asleep At Night

TikTok's dark side
Caution with North Sea content [ more ]
6 months ago

The North Sea Can Be Scary. But Maybe Not TikTok Scary.

North Sea TikTok is a corner of TikTok where videos of rough seas in the North Sea are set to scary music and aim to terrify viewers.
The North Sea is a shallow and often turbulent body of water, but waves are generally higher in the North Atlantic or off the coast of Iceland. [ more ]
5 months ago

27 Products For Anyone Who Has Trouble Falling Asleep At Night

TikTok's dark side
Caution with North Sea content [ more ]
6 months ago

The North Sea Can Be Scary. But Maybe Not TikTok Scary.

North Sea TikTok is a corner of TikTok where videos of rough seas in the North Sea are set to scary music and aim to terrify viewers.
The North Sea is a shallow and often turbulent body of water, but waves are generally higher in the North Atlantic or off the coast of Iceland. [ more ]
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