Third entangled endangered whale spotted in span of a week off East Coast
Three endangered North Atlantic right whales have been spotted entangled in fishing gear, highlighting the critical risks they face as a species.
2 Endangered Whales Found Entangled in Fishing Gear, With 1 Likely to Die
Two endangered North Atlantic right whales are entangled in fishing gear, with one facing likely death from severe injuries.
The North Atlantic right whale population is critically low, highlighting urgent conservation needs.
Biden administration withdraws rules to save endangered whales from collisions
NOAA's withdrawal of the speed rule proposal threatens the endangered North Atlantic right whale's survival amidst political shifts towards marine industry.
Feds: Vineyard Wind turbines won't have serious impact on nearby whales
Offshore wind construction off Massachusetts will only temporarily affect whale populations without jeopardizing their existence.
Third entangled endangered whale spotted in span of a week off East Coast
Three endangered North Atlantic right whales have been spotted entangled in fishing gear, highlighting the critical risks they face as a species.
2 Endangered Whales Found Entangled in Fishing Gear, With 1 Likely to Die
Two endangered North Atlantic right whales are entangled in fishing gear, with one facing likely death from severe injuries.
The North Atlantic right whale population is critically low, highlighting urgent conservation needs.
Biden administration withdraws rules to save endangered whales from collisions
NOAA's withdrawal of the speed rule proposal threatens the endangered North Atlantic right whale's survival amidst political shifts towards marine industry.
Feds: Vineyard Wind turbines won't have serious impact on nearby whales
Offshore wind construction off Massachusetts will only temporarily affect whale populations without jeopardizing their existence.