Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Bill banning no-fault evictions to return to ParliamentThe government will introduce a Renters' Rights Bill to ban no-fault evictions and enhance protections for tenants in England.
Labour moves to end no-fault evictions within monthsLandlords will soon be banned from evicting tenants without cause, marking significant legislative changes for tenant protections in the UK.
Labour gives renters the right to have pets as it ends no-fault evictionsLabour plans to overhaul renters' rights, abolishing no-fault evictions and allowing renters to request pets.New legislation aims to prevent homelessness and strengthen tenant protections.
It's our house, but it's their home': tenants and landlords discuss renters' rights billNo-fault evictions create significant emotional distress and a power imbalance between landlords and tenants.
Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Bill banning no-fault evictions to return to ParliamentThe government will introduce a Renters' Rights Bill to ban no-fault evictions and enhance protections for tenants in England.
Labour moves to end no-fault evictions within monthsLandlords will soon be banned from evicting tenants without cause, marking significant legislative changes for tenant protections in the UK.
Labour gives renters the right to have pets as it ends no-fault evictionsLabour plans to overhaul renters' rights, abolishing no-fault evictions and allowing renters to request pets.New legislation aims to prevent homelessness and strengthen tenant protections.
It's our house, but it's their home': tenants and landlords discuss renters' rights billNo-fault evictions create significant emotional distress and a power imbalance between landlords and tenants.
Family live with sewage spills and maggots in 'horrific' temporary housingSevere living conditions for families in temporary accommodations reflect the rising crisis of homelessness in England.
Rise in no-fault evictions in London - City HallThe number of no-fault evictions in London increased by 52% in one year, significantly higher than the rest of England and Wales.
No fault' evictions in London surge 52% in a year as Sadiq Khan slams failure to ban them as 'huge betrayal'The number of 'no fault' evictions in London has increased significantly, highlighting the need for a ban on such evictions.
'I design flats I can never afford to buy'Renters in London struggle with high costs, making homeownership seem unattainable.
No fault' evictions in London surge 52% in a year as Sadiq Khan slams failure to ban them as 'huge betrayal'The number of 'no fault' evictions in London has increased significantly, highlighting the need for a ban on such evictions.
'I design flats I can never afford to buy'Renters in London struggle with high costs, making homeownership seem unattainable.
Renters Reform Bill fast becoming landlords' charter, say campaignersThe government has faced pressure from landlord Tory MPs to water down a promised ban on no-fault evictions.Michael Gove announced measures to strengthen landlord protections in the renters' reform bill.