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3 weeks ago
Video games

Nintendo Finally Confirms Switch Successor's Existence, Says It'll Officially Announce 'Within This Fiscal Year'

Nintendo acknowledges successor to Switch, delay to 2025 announced at investor meeting. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

A Leaked Xbox Email Proves the Company Is Focusing on the Future, Not the Present

Xbox is focused on next-generation console with a significant technological leap.
Acquisition of Activision Blizzard for future-proofing and software lineup. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Next-gen Xbox will be a huge technical leap, says Microsoft exec

Teasing the largest technical leap in the upcoming Xbox console.
Expecting exciting news on the next-generation console and a potential handheld Xbox device. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Don't worry, Xbox is staying in the hardware game

Microsoft is officially developing its next-generation console, targeting the largest technical leap ever seen in a hardware generation.
The company is focused on creating unique aspects and unleashing the creative capability of its hardware team. [ more ]
Gadgets 360
1 month ago
Video games

Microsoft 'Moving Full Speed Ahead' on Next-Generation Xbox Console: Report

Microsoft is committed to delivering the largest technological leap for the next-generation Xbox console.
The company is actively working on preserving the current Xbox game library for future hardware. [ more ]
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