Is Your Teen Neurodiverse?Neurodivergent teens process the world differently, affecting their social interactions, focus, and emotional responses.
NIMH Genomics Team 75th Anniversary Webinar: Celebrating Advancements in Psychiatric GenomicsNIMH webinar highlights genetics research in mental health.Experts discuss genetic basis of mental illness, developmental trajectories, and translating findings to patient care.
Disability, Equity, and Mental Health Research Webinar Series: Improving Mental Health Equity for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions: An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors and Potential InterventionsHigher rates of depression and suicidality occur among autistic individuals compared to the general population, signaling a need for customized mental health approaches.
10 Toxic ADHD Lies to Leave BehindADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts emotional regulation, executive functioning, and daily life management, not merely a lack of willpower.
Is Your Teen Neurodiverse?Neurodivergent teens process the world differently, affecting their social interactions, focus, and emotional responses.
NIMH Genomics Team 75th Anniversary Webinar: Celebrating Advancements in Psychiatric GenomicsNIMH webinar highlights genetics research in mental health.Experts discuss genetic basis of mental illness, developmental trajectories, and translating findings to patient care.
Disability, Equity, and Mental Health Research Webinar Series: Improving Mental Health Equity for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions: An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors and Potential InterventionsHigher rates of depression and suicidality occur among autistic individuals compared to the general population, signaling a need for customized mental health approaches.
10 Toxic ADHD Lies to Leave BehindADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts emotional regulation, executive functioning, and daily life management, not merely a lack of willpower.
New study links household water to degenerative diseases - is your area affected?Research suggests soft water may increase dementia risk in UK populations, especially among urban dwellers aged over 65.Addressing water quality could be vital for public health in tackling neurodevelopmental disorders.
Navigating ADHD: Empowering Executive Functioning SkillsADHD is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder that presents in three clinical types and requires long-term support and skill-building for affected children.