How 3D Object Detection Helps AI Avoid Obstacles | HackerNoonOmnidirectional 3D object detection enhances robot navigation in complex environments by predicting object properties for safer movement and collision avoidance.
Who tells satellites where to take pictures? Increasingly, it'll be robots, Maxar saysMaxar is innovating navigation systems using 3D maps, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and reduce data processing latency.
Information architecture: A guide for UX designers - LogRocket BlogInformation architecture simplifies website/app navigation, enhancing user experience by enabling efficient content discovery.
Beetle that pushes dung with the help of 100 billion stars unlocks the key to better navigation systems in drones and satellitesInspired by dung beetles, researchers are developing an AI sensor to measure the orientation of the Milky Way for improved navigation in machines.
Tonight's geomagnetic storm could disrupt GPSs and cell phonesSolar storm could disrupt public transport, airlines, and satellites, similar to the 1859 geo-storm impacting technology and navigation systems.