Did a whale swallow a kayaker? The truth behind the viral videoAdrian Simancas had a near miss when a humpback whale scooped him into its mouth while kayaking in Chile, but he survived.
Drop-Stop Pavilion / aptdotaptThe Event Route at Yandang Mountain creates a unique experiential pause in nature, enhancing visitors' engagement with the environment through innovative design.
Nature Is a Right, Not a Privilege: Environmental Education as a Catalyst for Youth-Led Climate Justice - Non Profit News | Nonprofit QuarterlyThe journey of engaging with nature can be influenced by cultural background and personal experiences.
AKM Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro + Kids Design LaboThe nursery was designed as a hilltop structure to protect children from flooding, integrating the building with the garden and promoting interaction with nature.