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2 months ago
Europe news

Russia and China to deepen security cooperation in Asia, Europe

Russia and China aim to deepen security cooperation against US influence.
Dialogue initiated between Moscow and Beijing over Russia's war in Ukraine.
China reinforces economic partnership with Russia amidst efforts to isolate Moscow. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Nordic tensions on the rise amid Russian anger over NATO accessions

Finland PM urges EU for increased defense spending and coordination.
Tensions rise with Russia as NATO expands with Sweden and Norway joining. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine should determine its own fate not the west | Letters

NATO expansion due to demand, not imposition
Russian actions rooted in imperial history [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ego, Putin or Jets? Reasons for Orban's Stance on Sweden Perplex Many.

Hungary took 19 months to ratify Sweden's entry into NATO, despite eventually approving it anyway.
Even members of Hungary's governing party, Fidesz, were puzzled over the delay in approving NATO's expansion. [ more ]
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