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3 months ago
Europe news

Hungary set to remove final barrier for Sweden's NATO accession

Sweden's NATO accession hurdle cleared by Hungary's expected ratification
Sweden's security policy shift follows Russia's invasion of Ukraine [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Turkish parliament votes through Sweden's Nato application

Sweden has taken a step closer to becoming a full member of NATO after the Turkish parliament voted in favor of their NATO accession.
Hungary is now the last holdout in the accession process. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Turkey expected to vote on Sweden's Nato membership this week

Turkey's ratification of Sweden's NATO accession would leave Hungary as the last holdout in the process.
Turkey's resistance to Sweden's NATO accession reflects President Erdogan's nuanced stance toward Russia. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Hungary set to remove final barrier for Sweden's NATO accession

Sweden's NATO accession hurdle cleared by Hungary's expected ratification
Sweden's security policy shift follows Russia's invasion of Ukraine [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Turkish parliament votes through Sweden's Nato application

Sweden has taken a step closer to becoming a full member of NATO after the Turkish parliament voted in favor of their NATO accession.
Hungary is now the last holdout in the accession process. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Turkey expected to vote on Sweden's Nato membership this week

Turkey's ratification of Sweden's NATO accession would leave Hungary as the last holdout in the process.
Turkey's resistance to Sweden's NATO accession reflects President Erdogan's nuanced stance toward Russia. [ more ]
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