The triumphant return of Donald TrumpTrump's return to power signifies a momentous shift in American politics, with implications for governance and democracy.
Opinion | They Used to Rule the World. What Happened?The Conservative Party's recent defeat signals a decline of moderate conservatism and the rise of nationalist populism.
The triumphant return of Donald TrumpTrump's return to power signifies a momentous shift in American politics, with implications for governance and democracy.
Opinion | They Used to Rule the World. What Happened?The Conservative Party's recent defeat signals a decline of moderate conservatism and the rise of nationalist populism.
Europe's firewall' against the extreme right is holding but the US election could change everything | Paul TaylorLiberal democracies in Europe face challenges from nationalist populism, with potential impacts from the US election. The fragmentation of right-wing groups in the EU adds to the complexity.