32 things you may not know about Martin Luther King Jr.Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only national holiday honoring an American citizen, enacted in 1986 with full recognition by all states by 2000.
Veterans Day is Monday, most public services are closed for federal holidayVeterans Day honors military veterans for their patriotism and sacrifices, observed annually on November 11.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation should be paid holiday in Ontario, NDP's Sol Mamakwa says | CBC NewsProposed legislation for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to be a paid holiday in Ontario highlights the need for broader recognition among all Ontarians.
OPINION: Elections officials want people to register to voteNational Voter Registration Day encourages Oregonians to prepare for the 2024 elections by registering and making a voting plan.
Memorial Day - A Commemoration of Our Fallen SoldiersMemorial Day originated after the Civil War, honoring fallen military personnel through decoration and remembrance.