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4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Opinion | Is Trump an Agent or an Accident of History?

Is Donald Trump similar to the character of the Mule in Asimov's Foundation novels?
Are attempts to remove Trump only going to exacerbate the issues that led to his rise in the first place? [ more ]
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Opinion | Is Trump an Agent or an Accident of History?

Is Donald Trump similar to the character of the Mule in Asimov's Foundation novels?
Are attempts to remove Trump only going to exacerbate the issues that led to his rise in the first place? [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay (California)

Letters: Moving forward

Oakland teachers defy district's directive to participate in teach-in on Palestine, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and acknowledging history.
Concerns raised over the use of a coloring book in a teach-in at Oakland Unified School District, questioning the appropriateness of teaching young children about sensitive political topics.
Positive feedback for the Sip and Stroll event in downtown Concord as a great start to the holiday season, with participating businesses fostering a welcoming and sharing spirit.
Warning against the potential negative consequences of a Trump reelection for the nation. [ more ]
6 months ago
France news

Conor McKeon's TV View: Rugby is over, no? We already did rugby this year. It was in France. Remember France?

Rugby is considered the heartbeat of the nation.
The national heart is back on the mend after a catastrophic incident in Paris. [ more ]
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