Miki Sudo sets record for hot dog eating and Patrick Bertoletti wins men's contestPatrick Bertoletti wins first men's title at Nathan's hot dog eating contest by devouring 58 hot dogs in 10 minutes.
To the dogs: Chestnut's absence leaves open fieldJoey Chestnut, a 16-time champion, will not compete in the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, leading to tighter betting odds and a more open field.
Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, Fireworks At Coney Island July 4thTwo major events in Coney Island: Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and Fourth of July Fireworks. Street closures for both events outlined.
Doggonit! Joey Chestnut is Out at Coney Island Hot Dog Eating ContestJoey Chestnut, a 16-time winner of Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, won't be competing this year due to an exclusive deal with a rival brand.