Bitcoin Multisig Company Casa Makes Self-Sovereignty EasyCasa provides user-friendly multisig wallets with customer support, bridging a significant gap in the crypto industry for non-technical users.
BITPACS: Emulating DAOs on BitcoinBitpacs introduce public auditability to Bitcoin multisig wallets, enabling transparent auditability.Bitpacs aim to provide a more decentralized and autonomous experience compared to traditional DAOs on Ethereum and other altcoins.
Bitcoin Multisig Company Casa Makes Self-Sovereignty EasyCasa provides user-friendly multisig wallets with customer support, bridging a significant gap in the crypto industry for non-technical users.
BITPACS: Emulating DAOs on BitcoinBitpacs introduce public auditability to Bitcoin multisig wallets, enabling transparent auditability.Bitpacs aim to provide a more decentralized and autonomous experience compared to traditional DAOs on Ethereum and other altcoins.
Multi-Level Thresholds: Why Multisig Always Has A Higher Security CeilingThere isn't one perfect method for bitcoin custody; each situation requires a tailored approach based on amount, access frequency, and security needs.