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BBC News
1 month ago
London politics

England cricketer Monty Panesar to stand for George Galloway's party

Monty Panesar is a general election candidate for George Galloway's Workers Party of Britain, aiming to represent the working class and reduce the gap between the rich and poor. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Monty Panesar to stand for Geroge Galloway's Workers Party at general election

Former England cricketer Monty Panesar to stand for Workers Party at general election, aiming to represent working-class people. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

Ex-England cricketer among hundreds to stand for George Galloway's party

George Galloway's Workers Party is fielding notable candidates like Monty Panesar and seeking to capitalize on discontent over Labour's handling of the Gaza conflict. [ more ]
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