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3 months ago

Exploring The Role Of Static Methods In Python: A Functional Perspective - Pybites

Static methods in Python do not require an instance or class reference and are typically used for utility functions that belong to a class but are independent of class instances.
Python's module system allows for effective namespace management and code organization, making it a viable alternative to static methods in certain scenarios. [ more ]
5 months ago

Python __init__.py - Best Practices and Customizations - CodersLegacy

The __init__.py file is used to initialize a package or module in Python and define its namespace
It is necessary to use the __init__.py file when organizing files into subfolders within a large-scale application [ more ]
5 months ago

Python __init__.py - Best Practices and Customizations - CodersLegacy

The __init__.py file is used to initialize a package or module in Python and define its namespace
It is necessary to use the __init__.py file when organizing files into subfolders within a large-scale application [ more ]
5 months ago

Python __init__.py - Best Practices and Customizations - CodersLegacy

The __init__.py file is used to initialize a package or module in Python and define its namespace
It is necessary to use the __init__.py file when organizing files into subfolders within a large-scale application [ more ]
Tryton Discussion
2 weeks ago

Tryton Release 7.2

Tryton 7.2 release includes bug fixes, performance improvements, 5 new modules. Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.2 requires manual steps. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 month ago

Comparing ECMAScript Modules and CommonJS

JavaScript has evolved from a simple language for dynamic websites to complex projects requiring code organization in modules.
Comparison of popular methods for splitting JavaScript code into modules: ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS. [ more ]
5 months ago

Python __init__.py - Best Practices and Customizations - CodersLegacy

The __init__.py file is used to initialize a package or module in Python and define its namespace
It is necessary to use the __init__.py file when organizing files into subfolders within a large-scale application [ more ]
5 months ago

Python Basics Exercises: Modules and Packages - Real Python

Creating your own modules
Using modules in another file through the import statement
Organizing several modules into a package with __init__.py [ more ]
5 months ago

Python __init__.py - Best Practices and Customizations - CodersLegacy

The __init__.py file is used to initialize a package or module in Python and define its namespace
It is necessary to use the __init__.py file when organizing files into subfolders within a large-scale application [ more ]
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