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1 week ago

Customize Material UI Components and Theme: A Modern Approach

One principle when customizing third-party libraries: maintain control over the interface and implementation to avoid breaking changes. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

A guide to Storybook Test for interaction testing - LogRocket Blog

Storybook is a popular tool for testing and maintaining modular frontend components
Storybook Test consolidates @storybook/jest and @storybook/testing-library into a single package, improving developer experience [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
Web design

"Rasti Computer" is a detailed GRiD Compass tribute made from Framework innards

Penk Chen has created a modern restyling of the Grid Compass laptop using the modular and repairable parts of the Framework laptop.
Chen's project, called the Rasti Computer, features a custom keyboard, a 10.4-inch QLED display, and 3D-printed components. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web frameworks

Attention TypeScript Developers: Are You Linting Your Files All Wrong?

Think of Bit as a build system for composable software.
You can design and build anything in terms of simple modular components that are completely independent of each other.
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