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3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Apple's Scrapped Car Project Means AI and Headset Bets Are More Urgent

Apple is giving up on self-driving car plans to focus on generative AI and mixed-reality headsets.
Shifting towards generative AI industry allows Apple to avoid declining electric-vehicle market and focus on long-term profitable revenue streams. [ more ]
5 months ago
Tech industry

How Meta's New Face Camera Heralds a New Age of Surveillance

Silicon Valley is shifting computing away from screens and towards wearable face computers.
Companies like Meta, Apple, and Magic Leap are hyping mixed-reality headsets with cameras for interacting with the real world. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

How Meta's New Face Camera Heralds a New Age of Surveillance

Silicon Valley is shifting computing away from screens and towards wearable face computers.
Companies like Meta, Apple, and Magic Leap are hyping mixed-reality headsets with cameras for interacting with the real world. [ more ]
5 months ago
Tech industry

How Meta's New Face Camera Heralds a New Age of Surveillance

Silicon Valley is shifting computing away from screens and towards wearable face computers.
Companies like Meta, Apple, and Magic Leap are hyping mixed-reality headsets with cameras for interacting with the real world. [ more ]
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