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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

U.S. Air Force says it has planes with AI capable of dogfighting

The US Air Force, in partnership with DARPA, achieved its first AI dogfight, advancing autonomous air combat capabilities. [ more ]
Breaking Defense
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

US joins Austria, Bahrain, Canada, & Portugal to co-lead global push for safer military AI

Delegates from 60 countries are collaborating to establish safety measures for military AI.
The Biden Administration is spearheading a global effort for responsible military AI use. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI's policy no longer explicitly bans the use of its technology for 'military and warfare'

OpenAI has removed a prohibition on military and warfare use from its usage policies page.
The change comes as military agencies around the world are showing interest in using AI. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Lords committee urges caution on UK use of autonomous weapons | Computer Weekly

The UK government is being advised to proceed with caution when deploying artificial intelligence (AI) for military purposes, particularly autonomous weapons systems.
The House of Lords committee emphasized the need for public confidence, democratic endorsement, and transparency in the development and use of AI in the military. [ more ]
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