Did the snowball Earth give complex life a boost?Radical environmental shifts influenced the evolution of life, with nutrient availability playing a crucial role between the Cryogenic period and the emergence of multicellular organisms.
How I stoked my passion for oceanography in Chile's watersMicrobial life in oxygen minimum zones is crucial to study, especially with their expansion due to climate change.
Did the snowball Earth give complex life a boost?Radical environmental shifts influenced the evolution of life, with nutrient availability playing a crucial role between the Cryogenic period and the emergence of multicellular organisms.
How I stoked my passion for oceanography in Chile's watersMicrobial life in oxygen minimum zones is crucial to study, especially with their expansion due to climate change.
Nasa rover discovery hints at ancient microbial life on MarsThe spotty rock Cheyava Falls on Mars may have hosted microbial life billions of years ago.
Extraterrestrial life may look nothing like life on Earth so astrobiologists are coming up with a framework to study how complex systems evolveThe search for extraterrestrial life challenges scientists to define what life is, complicating efforts to identify it beyond Earth.
If it moves, it's probably alive: Searching for life on other planetsA new approach suggests using attractants to draw extremophile microbes to detection systems, simplifying life identification on Mars and other celestial bodies.
A Meteorite the Size of Four Mount Everests Hit Earth - It Left This Strange AftermathThe S2 impact facilitated nutrient release, benefitting early microbial life despite its destructive force.
Life in Venusian Clouds: A Hypothesis for Microbial Survival and Life Cycle | HackerNoonLife in Venus's clouds may persist through a unique microbial life cycle involving the use of liquid droplets for survival.
To Find Life on Mars, Make Microbes WiggleMicrobial motility may play a crucial role in detecting extraterrestrial life, showing potential in harsh environments similar to those on Earth.
Nasa rover discovery hints at ancient microbial life on MarsThe spotty rock Cheyava Falls on Mars may have hosted microbial life billions of years ago.
Extraterrestrial life may look nothing like life on Earth so astrobiologists are coming up with a framework to study how complex systems evolveThe search for extraterrestrial life challenges scientists to define what life is, complicating efforts to identify it beyond Earth.
If it moves, it's probably alive: Searching for life on other planetsA new approach suggests using attractants to draw extremophile microbes to detection systems, simplifying life identification on Mars and other celestial bodies.
A Meteorite the Size of Four Mount Everests Hit Earth - It Left This Strange AftermathThe S2 impact facilitated nutrient release, benefitting early microbial life despite its destructive force.
Life in Venusian Clouds: A Hypothesis for Microbial Survival and Life Cycle | HackerNoonLife in Venus's clouds may persist through a unique microbial life cycle involving the use of liquid droplets for survival.
To Find Life on Mars, Make Microbes WiggleMicrobial motility may play a crucial role in detecting extraterrestrial life, showing potential in harsh environments similar to those on Earth.
Earth's Aerial Biosphere Offers Insights into Venusian Microbial Survival | HackerNoonClouds on Earth support diverse microbial life, challenging the previous assumption of their inhospitable nature.
How a dropped bag of Cheetos had 'world changing' impact on life in a caveA dropped snack in Carlsbad Caverns can disrupt the delicate cave ecosystem, highlighting the significant impact of human activity on these environments.
Data From Mars Reveals Underground Liquid WaterA possible immense reservoir of liquid water found deep under Mars' surface, potentially supporting microbial life.
Daily briefing: Could these 'leopard spots' hint at ancient life on Mars?Tiny spots on Mars suggest past microbial life.Brain cells in mice linked to mother-baby bonds.AI innovation in Olympics and India's space funding increase.
No, NASA hasn't found life on Mars yet, but the latest discovery is intriguingNASA's Perseverance rover discovered an arrowhead-shaped rock on Mars with intriguing chemical signatures and colorful spots, potentially indicating ancient microbial life.
Data From Mars Reveals Underground Liquid WaterA possible immense reservoir of liquid water found deep under Mars' surface, potentially supporting microbial life.
Daily briefing: Could these 'leopard spots' hint at ancient life on Mars?Tiny spots on Mars suggest past microbial life.Brain cells in mice linked to mother-baby bonds.AI innovation in Olympics and India's space funding increase.
No, NASA hasn't found life on Mars yet, but the latest discovery is intriguingNASA's Perseverance rover discovered an arrowhead-shaped rock on Mars with intriguing chemical signatures and colorful spots, potentially indicating ancient microbial life.