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3 months ago
US politics

Debbie Dingell Breaks Down Michigan's Primary

Debbie Dingell is vocal about threats to her party in Michigan.
Michigan Democrats express frustration through uncommitted votes in the primary. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Strong showing by Gaza protest vote in swing state Michigan sends message to Biden live

Supporters in Michigan voted uncommitted in the Democratic primary due to Biden's policies on Israel and Gaza.
13% of Michigan Democrats wrote in uncommitted as a protest against Biden. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

In Michigan, a Win and a Warning for Biden

President Biden won Michigan's primary but faced dissent from voters signaling discontent with his stance on Israel's response to Hamas.
Muslims and Arab Americans in Michigan expressed dissatisfaction with Biden's actions regarding the Hamas attack, resulting in protest votes during the primary. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Debbie Dingell Breaks Down Michigan's Primary

Debbie Dingell is vocal about threats to her party in Michigan.
Michigan Democrats express frustration through uncommitted votes in the primary. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Strong showing by Gaza protest vote in swing state Michigan sends message to Biden live

Supporters in Michigan voted uncommitted in the Democratic primary due to Biden's policies on Israel and Gaza.
13% of Michigan Democrats wrote in uncommitted as a protest against Biden. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

In Michigan, a Win and a Warning for Biden

President Biden won Michigan's primary but faced dissent from voters signaling discontent with his stance on Israel's response to Hamas.
Muslims and Arab Americans in Michigan expressed dissatisfaction with Biden's actions regarding the Hamas attack, resulting in protest votes during the primary. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

A Biden Ally Wades Into the Divide Over Gaza and Emerges With a Warning

President Biden staying out of Michigan due to criticism on Israel support
Representative Ro Khanna serving as mediator between disaffected Democrats and Biden allies [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Arab Dems threaten to not vote for Biden in primary

The war in Gaza has impacted President Biden's support among Muslim and Arab Americans in Michigan.
Activists are urging voters to choose 'uncommitted' over Biden to send a message about addressing community concerns. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Pro-Israel Group Aims to Help Biden in Michigan Amid Gaza Unrest

Pro-Israel group supports Biden in Michigan primary
Challenges Biden faces in Michigan primary due to Gaza policy backlash [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Our Revolution Throws Weight Behind Campaign to Cast Protest Votes Against Biden in Michigan

Progressive group Our Revolution is campaigning for voters in Michigan's Democratic primary election to vote 'uncommitted' in protest of Biden's support for Israel's assault on Gaza.
The campaign aims to put pressure on Biden to change course on his administration's Gaza policy. [ more ]
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