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1 week ago
Mental health

Taking a page from his uncle JFK, Patrick Kennedy writes about profiles in mental health courage

Patrick Kennedy commended the author for their bravery in speaking out about mental health struggles, highlighting the difficulties and importance of sharing such experiences. [ more ]
1 week ago
Mental health

Second Life Podcast: Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau advocates for mental health awareness and practices, transitioning from a career in advertising to become a prominent voice in the industry. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

The Story Behind Jewel's "Who Will Save Your Soul" and "Hands": Podcast

Jewel overcame challenges and worked hard to achieve success in the music industry, with hits like "Who Will Save Your Soul" and "Hands". [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Miel Abitbol : interview d'une Influenceuse Engagee pour le Bien-etre des Jeunes

Miel Abitbol shares her journey and advocacy for mental health of youth.
Authenticity and transparency are key values for Miel in the realm of social media. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago
Public health

Mental health advocates warn of cuts to services if California Proposition 1 passes

Proposition 1 on California's primary election ballot is a $6.4 billion funding proposition for mental health and housing.
Proposition 1 also involves restructuring state Mental Health Services Act funding, potentially shifting $140 million from counties to the state. [ more ]
4 months ago

Robert Downey Jr. Launches Coffee Company That Also Raises Awareness For Mental Health

Actor Robert Downey Jr. has launched a new coffee brand called Happy Coffee.
Happy Coffee is sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms and comes in recyclable and reusable packaging. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

First Lady Rosalynn Carter's legacy on mental health boils down to one word: Hope

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter was a passionate advocate for mental health and used her platform to raise awareness about the inadequacies of the mental health system.
Carter championed the landmark Mental Health Systems Act of 1980, which called for major investments in community-based mental health treatment.
Despite setbacks, Carter's advocacy paved the way for advancements in mental health awareness and access to services. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

First Lady Rosalynn Carter's legacy on mental health boils down to one word: Hope

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter was a passionate advocate for mental health and used her platform to raise awareness about the inadequacies of the mental health system.
Carter championed the landmark Mental Health Systems Act of 1980, which called for major investments in community-based mental health treatment.
Despite setbacks, Carter's advocacy paved the way for advancements in mental health awareness and access to services. [ more ]
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