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App Developer Magazine
3 months ago
Software development

ONCD asks software manufacturers to adopt memory safe languages| App Developer Magazine

Memory-safe programming languages can reduce vulnerabilities in the software supply chain.
Adopting memory-safe languages can help address pervasive vulnerabilities and malicious activities in software. [ more ]
Python Software Foundation Blog
3 months ago

White House recommends use of memory-safe languages like Python

Memory-safe programming languages recommended by White House report
Python's role in memory-safety highlighted by Python Software Foundation and Cryptography library's migration to Rust. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

White House urges adoption of memory-safe programming languages

Importance of adopting memory-safe programming languages to enhance cybersecurity
Collaboration between ONCD, technical community, and partners in addressing software vulnerabilities [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
3 months ago
Software development

ONCD asks software manufacturers to adopt memory safe languages| App Developer Magazine

Memory-safe programming languages can reduce vulnerabilities in the software supply chain.
Adopting memory-safe languages can help address pervasive vulnerabilities and malicious activities in software. [ more ]
Python Software Foundation Blog
3 months ago

White House recommends use of memory-safe languages like Python

Memory-safe programming languages recommended by White House report
Python's role in memory-safety highlighted by Python Software Foundation and Cryptography library's migration to Rust. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

White House urges adoption of memory-safe programming languages

Importance of adopting memory-safe programming languages to enhance cybersecurity
Collaboration between ONCD, technical community, and partners in addressing software vulnerabilities [ more ]
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