Study Explores How Brains Store, Retrieve Memories - News CenterThe study reveals distinct neural processes of memory recognition in the developing human brain.
The Awe Effect: How Radical Beliefs Take Hold in the BrainAwe can trigger rapid radicalization by creating persistent extremist beliefs in individuals.Extreme emotional experiences affect memory formation and ideological commitment.Neuroscience indicates that brain regions involved strengthen radical beliefs.
Astrocytes play a key role in memoryAstrocytes play a critical role in memory formation and storage, as demonstrated by tagging active astrocytes in fear conditioning experiments.
How stress can disrupt memory and lead to anxietyStress alters how memories are formed in the brain, leading to inappropriate fear responses in mice.
The Awe Effect: How Radical Beliefs Take Hold in the BrainAwe can trigger rapid radicalization by creating persistent extremist beliefs in individuals.Extreme emotional experiences affect memory formation and ideological commitment.Neuroscience indicates that brain regions involved strengthen radical beliefs.
Astrocytes play a key role in memoryAstrocytes play a critical role in memory formation and storage, as demonstrated by tagging active astrocytes in fear conditioning experiments.
How stress can disrupt memory and lead to anxietyStress alters how memories are formed in the brain, leading to inappropriate fear responses in mice.
Life advice of the month: On exes, jet lag and guiltTo maintain a healthy friendship with an ex, ensure emotional distance and prioritize their happiness.Enhance memory formation by making experiences multi-sensory and detailed.Establish boundaries when unjustly made to feel guilty, asserting self-love and empathy.
Temporal multiplexing of perception and memory codes in IT cortex - NatureMemory shapes our perception of the world, with neurons encoding familiar objects efficiently through a low-dimensional object space.
Chickadees Use Brain-Cell Barcodes' to Remember Where They Stashed Their SnacksBlack-capped Chickadees store food in thousands of locations for times of scarcity with precise memory on the location and content.Chickadees activate unique barcodelike patterns in their brain for storing and retrieving food memories without mixing them up.
Memories are made by breaking DNA - and fixing itLong-term memories are associated with DNA damage and repair, contributing to memory formation.Inflammatory response and DNA breaks play a crucial role in memory formation and recall.
Memories Are Made by Breaking DNA and Fixing It, Study in Mice FindsFormation of long-term memory involves DNA damage and repair cycle, aiding in memory consolidation.DNA breaks linked to learning and memory formation, revealing a new aspect of memory processes in the brain.
Memories are made by breaking DNA - and fixing itLong-term memories are associated with DNA damage and repair, contributing to memory formation.Inflammatory response and DNA breaks play a crucial role in memory formation and recall.
Memories Are Made by Breaking DNA and Fixing It, Study in Mice FindsFormation of long-term memory involves DNA damage and repair cycle, aiding in memory consolidation.DNA breaks linked to learning and memory formation, revealing a new aspect of memory processes in the brain.
Formation of memory assemblies through the DNA-sensing TLR9 pathway - NatureMemories stored in assemblies of neuronsStimulus-induced long-term potentiation and pre-existing mechanisms play roles in memory formation