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The Drum
1 month ago

The Cerveza Cristal effect: What happens when memes and brands entwine

The Cerveza Cristal meme has resurfaced and gained popularity, showcasing the integration of ad campaigns into the original Star Wars trilogy.
The original campaign from the early 2000s was both praised and criticized, leading to its withdrawal due to concerns by Lucasfilm. [ more ]
3 months ago

A Fishful of Dollars: What Marketers Can Learn from the Gen Z Caviar Bump

Meme culture can be a powerful tool for marketers.
The caviar bump trend on TikTok has created a boom in caviar sales. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Between jokes and discontent: How communism is winning the internet

Communist icons and symbols have been integrated into capitalist markets and pop culture.
The reappropriation of socialist or Soviet culture and symbology has been seen in contemporary art and meme culture. [ more ]
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