7 Surprising Facts About Dragons in the Middle Ages - Medievalists.netDragons in medieval culture embody complex symbolism, representing both evil and divinity, thriving on a shared cultural image.
Medieval Helmet Fragment Discovered in Denmark - Medievalists.netA rare helmet fragment from the Early Middle Ages was found in Denmark, reflecting exceptional craftsmanship and possibly belonging to a high-ranking individual.
New Medieval Books: Giants in the Medieval City - Medievalists.netGiants transformed from monstrous to heroic figures in late medieval German-speaking lands, revealing their cultural significance.
Visualizing Camelot: How King Arthur Captured Popular Culture - Medievalists.netKing Arthur's legendary court continues to influence modern art, culture, and imagination as evidenced by the Visualizing Camelot exhibit.
New Online Course: The Culture of Medieval Violence - Medievalists.netThe course explores the medieval culture of violence through diverse sources and compares it with its portrayal in modern pop culture.