Albiflorin Alleviates Sepsis-induced Acute Liver Injury through mTOR/p70S6K Pathway.Information disclaimer for GreenMedInfo website.
Sea Cucumber Plasmalogen Regulates the Lipid Profile in High-Fat Diet Mouse Liver via Lipophagy.Information purposes disclaimer
Albiflorin Alleviates Sepsis-induced Acute Liver Injury through mTOR/p70S6K Pathway.Information disclaimer for GreenMedInfo website.
Sea Cucumber Plasmalogen Regulates the Lipid Profile in High-Fat Diet Mouse Liver via Lipophagy.Information purposes disclaimer
Naringenin ameliorates cytotoxic effects of bisphenol A on mouse Sertoli cells by suppressing oxidative stress and modulating mitophagy: An experimental study.The website provides information but does not offer medical advice or treatment recommendations.