The Search for Medicine's Holy GrailThis year's Oscar contenders are more dramatic than past events, indicating a trend in entertainment reflecting societal issues.Researching synthetic blood reveals groundbreaking methods that could transform medical practices dramatically.
2024 Year in Review - News CenterNorthwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine achieved unprecedented milestones in research funding and groundbreaking medical advancements in 2024.
Tiny robots, big impact: Revolutionizing infertility treatment with magnetic microrobotsA new magnetically driven robotic microscrew provides a less invasive alternative for treating fallopian tube blockages in females.
Don't Expect to Live Significantly Longer, At Least Not in This CenturyHuman life expectancy is slowing down after previous growth, necessitating new biological strategies for further extension.
Dr. George Berci, Whose Innovations Changed Surgery, Dies at 103Dr. George Berci revolutionized modern surgery with innovations in minimally invasive techniques, enhancing doctors' ability to visualize and treat internal organs. His work greatly reduced surgical incisions.
What It's like to Receive an Eye and Face TransplantAaron James successfully underwent the first partial face and whole-eye transplant, marking a significant milestone in transplant surgery.
Advanced 'Parkinson's in a dish' model accelerates research- Harvard GazetteCould result in personalized models to test diagnostic and treatment strategies
20 Most Advanced Countries in the WorldThe global economy is expected to grow moderately with advanced economies leading the way
Breakthrough therapies at Stanford are saving lives. Can we afford them?Cell and gene therapies offer promising medical solutions but come with a hefty price tag, raising concerns about availability and affordability.
Opinion: Give Californians same medication access that Australians, Canadians, Coloradans enjoyCalifornia expands access to PrEP and PEP medications without doctor's prescription.Canada and Australia showcase successful pharmacist prescribing models for common conditions.