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New Relic
1 month ago

Monitor web dev stacks in minutes with New Relic quickstarts

Popular web development stacks include MEAN, MERN, LAMP, and LAMPy for their versatility and ease of use.
New Relic quickstarts provide comprehensive observability for these stacks, offering insights into application performance and health. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
4 months ago

MusicWatch Monthly: 'The score is not the sound,' starring Portland Music Month, Camerata PYP, Jimmie Herrod & friends, Locally Sourced Sounds with Fear No Music, Alex Ross & 45th Parallel Universe, Sarah Tiedemann & Third Angle

A map is a reduction, a fiction, a simulacrum, and can become its own territory.
Portland's music scene is characterized by its diversity and the prevalence of bands. [ more ]
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