Could TfL start giving away free coffees to London commuters?Mayor Khan suggests innovative incentives like free coffee to boost post-pandemic public transport ridership in London.
Sadiq Khan and Transport for London misled Londoners over benefits of Ulez, advertising watchdog rulesThe Greater London Authority and TfL breached advertising rules on three occasions regarding their claims about air pollution in London and the effectiveness of the Ulez expansion.The ASA ruled that the claim that one of the most polluted places in London is inside your car had not been adequately substantiated and was likely to mislead.
Sadiq Khan criticised as data reveals 'epidemic' of armed shoplifting in LondonShoplifting in London surged under Sadiq Khan's tenure, with armed shoplifting increasing by 91% last year compared to the period before he took office.
Sadiq Khan: 'Mould sensors' in London's rental homes could hold bad landlords to accountLabour mayor Sadiq Khan pledges to install thousands of mould sensors in London's rental homes to empower tenants and hold landlords accountable.
Could TfL start giving away free coffees to London commuters?Mayor Khan suggests innovative incentives like free coffee to boost post-pandemic public transport ridership in London.
Sadiq Khan and Transport for London misled Londoners over benefits of Ulez, advertising watchdog rulesThe Greater London Authority and TfL breached advertising rules on three occasions regarding their claims about air pollution in London and the effectiveness of the Ulez expansion.The ASA ruled that the claim that one of the most polluted places in London is inside your car had not been adequately substantiated and was likely to mislead.
Sadiq Khan criticised as data reveals 'epidemic' of armed shoplifting in LondonShoplifting in London surged under Sadiq Khan's tenure, with armed shoplifting increasing by 91% last year compared to the period before he took office.
Sadiq Khan: 'Mould sensors' in London's rental homes could hold bad landlords to accountLabour mayor Sadiq Khan pledges to install thousands of mould sensors in London's rental homes to empower tenants and hold landlords accountable.
Silvertown and Blackwall Tunnel tolls start in AprilThe Silvertown Tunnel opens on April 7, imposing tolls to manage traffic and pollution in east London, sparking significant debate.
About 40 per cent of journeys on London public transport network to cost more despite Sadiq fares freezeAbout 40% of London public transport journeys will be more expensive, despite Mayor Khan's partial fares freeze.Mr. Khan's decision to freeze pay-as-you-go fares will result in an overall average rise of 1.7%, with a 4.9% increase in Travelcards.
Silvertown and Blackwall Tunnel tolls start in AprilThe Silvertown Tunnel opens on April 7, imposing tolls to manage traffic and pollution in east London, sparking significant debate.
About 40 per cent of journeys on London public transport network to cost more despite Sadiq fares freezeAbout 40% of London public transport journeys will be more expensive, despite Mayor Khan's partial fares freeze.Mr. Khan's decision to freeze pay-as-you-go fares will result in an overall average rise of 1.7%, with a 4.9% increase in Travelcards.
'Unconvinced' families of Wimbledon school crash victims tell Sadiq Khan to speed up investigationsThe families of two girls killed in a school crash are advocating for quicker investigations into traffic accidents involving children.
Sadiq Khan predicts Real Madrid win Champions League final at Wembley as football festivities kick offThe UEFA Champions League final in London is predicted to boost the city's economy by £53 million. Mayor Sadiq Khan hopes it will showcase London as the sporting capital of the world.
Rude sticker of Sadiq Khan behind question time event going onlineRude sticker of mayor led to barring Londoners from eventOnly one fine issued for sticker incident
Tories vow to reverse ULEZ expansion if they win the general electionConservatives plan to reverse Ulez expansion, stop pay-per-mile road taxes, and restrict low traffic neighborhoods if elected.