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4 months ago

May December slammed as 'ripoff' by man who inspired the movie

Vili Fualaau, the ex-husband and grooming victim of Mary Kay Letourneau, believes that the makers of the movie should have collaborated with him to create a more accurate portrayal of the story.
The movie, titled May December, is loosely based on Fualaau's experiences but is described as a fictional story.
The film follows the aftermath of the scandal where a pet shop manager named Gracie, played by Julianne Moore, was caught grooming a 13-year-old boy named Joe, played by Charles Melton. [ more ]
4 months ago

I'm offended': man whose story inspired May December speaks out on film

Vili Fualaau, the ex-husband of Mary Kay Letourneau, criticizes the film 'May December' which is inspired by their scandal.
Fualaau expresses disappointment that he was not consulted for the film and feels that his story was exploited by Hollywood. [ more ]
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