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How Earth's Biggest Mass Extinctions Stack Up

Mass extinctions share common origins, chiefly large-scale volcanism, but differ in outcomes, with the current age possibly leading to a sixth.

Portland State study compares climate crisis to 'mega-colossal' volcano eruption

Human greenhouse gas emissions are comparable to those from past mass extinction events.

How Earth's Biggest Mass Extinctions Stack Up

Mass extinctions share common origins, chiefly large-scale volcanism, but differ in outcomes, with the current age possibly leading to a sixth.

Portland State study compares climate crisis to 'mega-colossal' volcano eruption

Human greenhouse gas emissions are comparable to those from past mass extinction events.

Volcano Were Blamed for the Greatest of Earth's 'Big Five' Mass Extinctions - Scientists Might Have Been Wrong

The Permian-Triassic mass extinction was exacerbated by an enormous El Niño weather pattern, adding complexity to traditional volcanic explanations.

Diridon: The future is sidetracked, but still possible - San Jose Spotlight

Climate change is accelerating rapidly, threatening life on earth by the early 2030s.
Urgent global action is needed to combat the effects of human-induced climate change.
The US has a critical role in reducing carbon emissions and leading climate policy.
The upcoming election poses a significant risk to current climate progress.

Ants' fungus agriculture traced back to dinosaur-killing impact

Ants evolved agricultural practices after the Cretaceous mass extinction due to environmental changes and availability of fungi.

Volcano Were Blamed for the Greatest of Earth's 'Big Five' Mass Extinctions - Scientists Might Have Been Wrong

The Permian-Triassic mass extinction was exacerbated by an enormous El Niño weather pattern, adding complexity to traditional volcanic explanations.

Diridon: The future is sidetracked, but still possible - San Jose Spotlight

Climate change is accelerating rapidly, threatening life on earth by the early 2030s.
Urgent global action is needed to combat the effects of human-induced climate change.
The US has a critical role in reducing carbon emissions and leading climate policy.
The upcoming election poses a significant risk to current climate progress.

Ants' fungus agriculture traced back to dinosaur-killing impact

Ants evolved agricultural practices after the Cretaceous mass extinction due to environmental changes and availability of fungi.

Dinosaur-killing Chicxulub asteroid formed in Solar System's outer reaches

The Chicxulub impactor that caused the mass extinction 66 million years ago originated from beyond Jupiter's orbit, according to new geochemical research.

An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, not a comet, new study finds

Recent research reaffirms the Alvarez hypothesis, attributing dinosaur extinction to a massive asteroid impact rather than a comet.

Tardigrade Fossils Reveal When Water Bears' Became Indestructible

Tardigrades survived the most significant mass extinction due to their unique ability for cryptobiosis, which allows them to endure extreme environmental conditions.

Animal crossing: How wildlife-safe highways stop roadkill DW 05/14/2024

Roadkill collector Laurie Speakman, aka 'The Moose Lady', helps distribute carcasses to those in need, ensuring no waste.
Roadkill is a significant cause of animal deaths globally, fueling the mass extinction event and impacting diverse species.

Tell us how the sound of nature is changing in your local area

Wildlife populations declined by 69% in under 50 years
Human actions are causing a sixth mass extinction, making nature quieter.

Climate Scientist Michael Mann: Our Fragile Moment

Mann's warning against messages of doom and inaction
Putting the current climate crisis in the context of Earth's history

Biodiversity: Can extinctions be stopped? DW 03/05/2024

Humans are driving the sixth mass extinction with an extinction rate pushed to around 27,000 annually.
Conservation measures, including breeding programs, environmental laws, and reserves, have helped reverse declines in some species, but are insufficient to compensate for rapid global extinction rates.

Republicans Added 27 Anti-Wildlife Measures in FY 2024 Appropriations Bills

GOP lawmakers are inserting anti-wildlife measures into appropriations bills, putting endangered species at risk.
Scientists warn that human activity is triggering a sixth mass extinction, with species disappearing at an alarming rate.

Biodiversity: Can extinctions be stopped? DW 03/05/2024

Humans are driving the sixth mass extinction with an extinction rate pushed to around 27,000 annually.
Conservation measures, including breeding programs, environmental laws, and reserves, have helped reverse declines in some species, but are insufficient to compensate for rapid global extinction rates.

Republicans Added 27 Anti-Wildlife Measures in FY 2024 Appropriations Bills

GOP lawmakers are inserting anti-wildlife measures into appropriations bills, putting endangered species at risk.
Scientists warn that human activity is triggering a sixth mass extinction, with species disappearing at an alarming rate.

Thomas Medicus' "We Are the Asteroid" Installation | stupidDOPE

Art installation 'We Are the Asteroid' by Thomas Medicus draws parallels between human activities and the asteroid impact leading to mass extinction.
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