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5 months ago
Privacy technologies

Compromising Google Accounts: Malwares Exploiting Undocumented OAuth2 Functionality for session hijacking

The PRISMA exploit allows for the generation of persistent Google cookies, providing continuous access to Google services even after a password reset.
CloudSEK's threat research team discovered the exploit's root at an undocumented Google OAuth endpoint called 'MultiLogin'. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy technologies

Zeppelin ransomware source code sold for $500 on hacking forum

A threat actor is selling the source code and a cracked version of the Zeppelin ransomware builder for $500.
The legitimacy of the offer has not been validated, but screenshots from the seller suggest that the package is real. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Smartphone users warned to delete these 17 dangerous apps before it's too late

17 finance apps infected with malware have been discovered in Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store.
These apps masquerade as legitimate loan services but actually install malware to extract personal information. [ more ]
Social Media Explorer
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

The Risks and Challenges of Social Media for IT Security - Social Media Explorer

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers from all over the world.
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