London councils get 'exceptional' government fundsSix London councils are receiving government financial support to maintain public services.
NAO analysis of 'unsustainable' council finances makes case for prevention investment - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comThe NAO reports that council funding increase fails to meet rising demands, urging for supportive funding for early intervention services.
London councils 'finances 'stuck in survival mode' and responds to provisional Local government finance settlement - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLondon boroughs face significant financial challenges in 2025-26, with a projected £500m funding shortfall despite some government support.
Outlook for London borough's finances 'is bleak'London borough councils face a £700m funding shortfall, risking bankruptcy unless the government increases financial support to address the housing crisis.
London boroughs welcome devolution plans as 'golden opportunity' to formalise collaboration with Mayor - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLondon Councils supports the government's devolution commitment, seeing it as essential for London's economic growth and competitiveness as a global city.
London councils get 'exceptional' government fundsSix London councils are receiving government financial support to maintain public services.
NAO analysis of 'unsustainable' council finances makes case for prevention investment - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comThe NAO reports that council funding increase fails to meet rising demands, urging for supportive funding for early intervention services.
London councils 'finances 'stuck in survival mode' and responds to provisional Local government finance settlement - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLondon boroughs face significant financial challenges in 2025-26, with a projected £500m funding shortfall despite some government support.
Outlook for London borough's finances 'is bleak'London borough councils face a £700m funding shortfall, risking bankruptcy unless the government increases financial support to address the housing crisis.
London boroughs welcome devolution plans as 'golden opportunity' to formalise collaboration with Mayor - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLondon Councils supports the government's devolution commitment, seeing it as essential for London's economic growth and competitiveness as a global city.
Adult social care must be modernised' to help London councils on brink of bankruptcy, says care ministerAdult social care in London needs modernization and better funding to prevent councils from facing bankruptcy.
South London drivers' fines overturned due to 'out-of-date paperwork'Councils have issued fines based on invalid traffic restrictions, highlighting systemic flaws in traffic enforcement documentation.
London's richest borough is prosecuting fewest rogue landlordsKensington and Chelsea Council issued substantial fines to rogue landlords but managed only a single prosecution, highlighting enforcement challenges.
Thousands hit by fines from cloned car platesCar cloning is a growing issue in London, leading to innocent vehicle owners receiving fines for crimes they didn't commit.
Council warns it could go bust due to housing costsNewham Council faces potential financial crisis due to escalating temporary accommodation costs, leading to the need for government assistance.
New holiday lets rules may 'worsen housing crisis', says London CouncilsPeople may need council permission to turn homes into short-term lets to preserve permanent housing stock in London.
Freedom Pass 'in danger' if Government restricts council income from motoring fines, warn London boroughsProposed government changes to parking charges may threaten free travel benefits for over a million older Londoners.
The London Buzz - 4th July 2024Residents and councils in London raise concerns over safety, transportation issues, and public services.