#lockdown restrictions

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5 months ago
UK news

Rishi Sunak set to be grilled on lockdown doubts at Covid inquiry

Rishi Sunak will face questions about the Eat Out to Help Out scheme and his doubts about lockdowns at the Covid inquiry.
He will be asked about his previous claims that scientific advisers were given too much power and the impact of lockdown on the economy. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Rishi Sunak pushed hard for lifting of Covid rules, inquiry hears

Rishi Sunak pushed for lifting of all lockdown restrictions during a government meeting in July 2021.
Boris Johnson referred to people as malingering and workshy during the meeting. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Cove to give evidence as Covid inquiry told Hancock knew lockdown tiers wouldn't work

Former health secretary Matt Hancock knew that Tier 3 lockdown restrictions would not work when he imposed them on Greater Manchester.
The tier system implemented in October 2020 was unable to contain the spread of Covid-19 and led to a month-long national lockdown in November followed by stricter tiers in December.
Housing Secretary Michael Gove is set to give evidence at the Covid-19 inquiry. [ more ]
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