Resurrected Tax Break for Renovations Will Help Landlords Comply With Building Emissions Law, Officials SayThe new J-51 tax incentive aims to support property renovations and compliance with Local Law 97 while addressing affordability.
How Much Could Donald Trump-Tied Buildings Owe Under NYC's Local Law 97?Trump's NYC properties face multimillion-dollar penalties for failing to comply with Local Law 97 on building emissions over the next decade.
State court revives suit to overturn Local Law 97 on appeal, potentially imperiling landmark climate law | amNewYorkA state appellate court revived a lawsuit challenging New York City's Local Law 97, questioning its compatibility with the state's Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
How Much Could Donald Trump-Tied Buildings Owe Under NYC's Local Law 97?Trump's NYC properties face multimillion-dollar penalties for failing to comply with Local Law 97 on building emissions over the next decade.
State court revives suit to overturn Local Law 97 on appeal, potentially imperiling landmark climate law | amNewYorkA state appellate court revived a lawsuit challenging New York City's Local Law 97, questioning its compatibility with the state's Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.