DWP to scrap system that let landlords deduct 480 million from tenants' benefitsThe DWP plans to eliminate a controversial system that automatically deducts benefits for landlord payments without tenant consultation.
Some people on sickness and disability benefits taking the mickey', says Liz Kendall UK politics liveThe government is addressing rising costs of sickness and disability benefits and aims to help more people into work.
Labour to ditch blame culture' over benefits bill, work and pensions minister saysLabour plans to restructure welfare to support people better and address rising costs and increasing claims for disability benefits.
The Guardian view on incapacity benefit: the Treasury should not be calling the shots | EditorialLabour's social security reforms face significant challenges amid legal setbacks and funding constraints, complicating efforts to support vulnerable groups effectively.
Those who 'can work, must work' as Labour overhauls the welfare system - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLabour emphasizes that everyone capable should work, introducing new measures to get millions back into employment and reforming the welfare system.
Labour to ditch blame culture' over benefits bill, work and pensions minister saysLabour plans to restructure welfare to support people better and address rising costs and increasing claims for disability benefits.
The Guardian view on incapacity benefit: the Treasury should not be calling the shots | EditorialLabour's social security reforms face significant challenges amid legal setbacks and funding constraints, complicating efforts to support vulnerable groups effectively.
Those who 'can work, must work' as Labour overhauls the welfare system - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLabour emphasizes that everyone capable should work, introducing new measures to get millions back into employment and reforming the welfare system.
Cabinet minister Liz Kendall says she will vote for assisted dyingLiz Kendall supports the assisted dying bill, emphasizing choice and control for individuals.