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Austin Monitor
4 weeks ago

City offers $4.5M for musicians, venues in latest Live Music Fund - Austin Monitor

Local musicians and independent music venues in Austin can apply for grants up to $60,000 from the Live Music Fund, supported by Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Music Commission wants tight guidelines on venues receiving Live Music Fund awards - Austin Monitor

The Music Commission is forming a working group to reshape how grants are awarded to live music venues in Austin.
The Live Music Fund will expand to include grants for live music venues, with a total pool of $1 million available. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 weeks ago

City offers $4.5M for musicians, venues in latest Live Music Fund - Austin Monitor

Local musicians and independent music venues in Austin can apply for grants up to $60,000 from the Live Music Fund, supported by Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Music Commission wants tight guidelines on venues receiving Live Music Fund awards - Austin Monitor

The Music Commission is forming a working group to reshape how grants are awarded to live music venues in Austin.
The Live Music Fund will expand to include grants for live music venues, with a total pool of $1 million available. [ more ]
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