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The Paris Review
2 months ago

The Art of Fiction No. 72

Joyce Carol Oates has three publishers for her different types of works: fiction, poetry, and experimental. She is also actively involved in The Ontario Review literary quarterly.
Ms. Oates is described as shy, striking-looking, and highly intelligent, with a dedicated focus on perfecting her writing and storytelling craft. [ more ]
MPR News
3 months ago

Graywolf Press celebrates 50 years of publishing wild literature

Small nonprofit publishers in Minnesota, like Graywolf Press, excel in the industry.
Graywolf Press offers a dream opportunity for writers, fostering a supportive and meaningful relationship. [ more ]
3 months ago

Author Peter Ackroyd: You eat a great deal of knowledge. You sick it up. And then you start again'

Peter Ackroyd's past involved excessive alcohol consumption, but he has now been sober for seven years, realizing the negative impacts on his health and life.
Ackroyd's dedication to writing remains unwavering, with numerous novels and nonfiction works added to his repertoire even after stopping excessive drinking. [ more ]
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