Writers' work built on women's labour | Brief lettersTolkien's criticism of his typist highlights the overlooked contributions of women in literary production.
John Marsden, author of Tomorrow, When the War Began, dies aged 74John Marsden, celebrated Australian young adult author, passed away at 74, leaving behind an impactful literary legacy.
All the Presidents' Books: 6,500 Best Sellers and 100 Years of Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter's extensive literary contributions contrast with the lack of detailed biographies about his life and presidency.
Joy Williams Remembers the Wildest Decades of Her LifeJoy Williams, a renowned writer, has had a significant and lengthy relationship with Esquire magazine, contributing a wide range of notable pieces over several decades.
Elizabeth Cullinan, the 'criminally under-read' bard of the Bronx IrishElizabeth Cullinan, a writer highlighted for her contributions to Bronx Irish Catholic literature, remains underrated and under-read in contemporary literary discussions.
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