Linda Martin: 'I think I'd be a good president. I'm used to being in Europe'Linda Martin's Eurovision aspirations began at a young age inspired by a local win, culminating in her near victory 14 years later.
Linda Martin: 'They shouldn't have bothered doing the documentary. They'd still be working in shoe shops if Louis Walsh hadn't picked them out'Linda Martin's passion for winning the Eurovision Song Contest spurred her journey in music, highlighted by her close second place in 1984.
Linda Martin: 'I think I'd be a good president. I'm used to being in Europe'Linda Martin's Eurovision aspirations began at a young age inspired by a local win, culminating in her near victory 14 years later.
Linda Martin: 'They shouldn't have bothered doing the documentary. They'd still be working in shoe shops if Louis Walsh hadn't picked them out'Linda Martin's passion for winning the Eurovision Song Contest spurred her journey in music, highlighted by her close second place in 1984.