Mortgage quality control report unveils more insurance defectsCritical defects in mortgages decreased to 1.51% in Q3 2024, showing a 17% improvement, but other trends highlight significant concern.
Reverse mortgage performance metrics end 2024 on a mixed noteHECM endorsements increased by 9.1% in December 2024, showcasing resilience in the reverse mortgage sector.
Reverse mortgage volume rose in July while securitizations fellHECM endorsements increased by 8% in July, while HMBS issuance fell by $47 million compared to the previous month.
Reverse mortgage performance metrics end 2024 on a mixed noteHECM endorsements increased by 9.1% in December 2024, showcasing resilience in the reverse mortgage sector.
Reverse mortgage volume rose in July while securitizations fellHECM endorsements increased by 8% in July, while HMBS issuance fell by $47 million compared to the previous month.