Research: Why Passionate Men Succeed, Even When They're MediocreHigh-potential programs intended to elevate women in leadership may actually exacerbate gender disparities when they rely on subjective criteria like passion.
Leadership roles in college athletics inaccessible for womenWomen remain underrepresented in leadership roles within college athletics despite occupying a significant percentage of entry-level positions.
The CMO And The Era Of Executive CelebrityBuilding a public profile enhances trust and engagement for senior executives, emphasizing the importance of networking and public engagement.
There is no shortage of female leaders. There is a lack of women in leadership positionsWomen in Latin America and the Caribbean are more educated than men, but still face challenges in reaching high leadership positions.Gender gaps in leadership positions persist across various sectors in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Column: How does California celebrate women's history month? With two male senatorsCalifornia will not send a woman to the Senate for the first time in 30 years.Gender shouldn't determine our votes, but the absence of women in top leadership roles raises concerns.
There is no shortage of female leaders. There is a lack of women in leadership positionsWomen in Latin America and the Caribbean are more educated than men, but still face challenges in reaching high leadership positions.Gender gaps in leadership positions persist across various sectors in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Column: How does California celebrate women's history month? With two male senatorsCalifornia will not send a woman to the Senate for the first time in 30 years.Gender shouldn't determine our votes, but the absence of women in top leadership roles raises concerns.
It's quite scary Women in Football chief concerned about discrimination reportDiscrimination against women in football persists despite efforts for change, posing a threat to future female representation in leadership roles.