The Playwright Larissa FastHorse Doesn't Want to Be a Cautionary TaleLarissa FastHorse uses theater to challenge stereotypes and highlight the erasure of Native American identities.
Flying higher: Indigenous playwright Larissa FastHorse reimagines 'Peter Pan'Larissa FastHorse aims to address and transform the problematic elements of Peter Pan in her adaptation, with a focus on meaningful Indigenous representation.
Peter Pan in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading WeeklyLarissa FastHorse reimagines Peter Pan with Indigenous characters instead of stereotypes.
Flying higher: Indigenous playwright Larissa FastHorse reimagines 'Peter Pan'Larissa FastHorse aims to address and transform the problematic elements of Peter Pan in her adaptation, with a focus on meaningful Indigenous representation.
Peter Pan in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading WeeklyLarissa FastHorse reimagines Peter Pan with Indigenous characters instead of stereotypes.