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3 days ago
Europe politics

10 things you should know about the European Parliamentary elections

The European Parliament is directly elected by citizens from the 27 EU countries. It has 24 official languages to ensure representation for all MEPs and citizens. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

European elections: The 5 numbers you need to understand the EU

EU facts and figures: size, population, languages, currency, and laws are highlighted in the article. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

This AI startup went from zero to $1 billion in two years

Voice AI startup ElevenLabs has achieved unicorn status after raising $80 million in funding and being valued at over $1 billion.
ElevenLabs develops AI tools for creating synthetic voices across multiple languages and has clients such as The Washington Post. [ more ]
#developer experience
6 months ago
Web development

10 Ways to Increase Productivity by Improving Your Developer Experience - DevOps.com

Choosing the right languages and frameworks can reduce development friction and enhance productivity.
Providing access to quality developer tools and resources improves the developer team experience. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

10 Ways to Increase Productivity by Improving Your Developer Experience - DevOps.com

Choosing the right languages and frameworks can reduce development friction and enhance productivity.
Providing access to quality developer tools and resources improves the developer team experience. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

10 Ways to Increase Productivity by Improving Your Developer Experience - DevOps.com

Choosing the right languages and frameworks can reduce development friction and enhance productivity.
Providing access to quality developer tools and resources improves the developer team experience. [ more ]
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