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4 weeks ago
Data science

Dataframe interoperability - what has been achieved, and what comes next?

Simple and clear common language enables collaboration among diverse attendees at PyCon Lithuania 2024. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The AI Revolution Is Crushing Thousands of Languages

The dominance of English in technology like AI can lead to cultural biases and exclusion of languages and communities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Autocorrect Is Not: People Are Multilingual and Computer Science Should Be Too

Flawed views about language are limiting in computer science
English-centric focus in computing poses challenges for diverse users [ more ]
The Hindu
4 months ago

Reading Asia | 'For me, "Europe" is fiction': an interview with author Yoko Tawada

Yoko Tawada explores the textures of inhabiting a body moving between multiple languages.
Tawada is interested in the diversity of language and the playful function of the brain in discovering new ways of thinking. [ more ]
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